Summer Youth Employment

The ProAction Summer Youth Employment program is available to youth between the ages of 14-20 to provide a summer work experience at various work sites throughout Steuben County. Typically it is a 24-32 hour work week, paying minimum wage ($13.20).


TANF Services Eligible Statuses and Proof

Application Deadline



Please follow all steps carefully

  • Complete Section 1. (Information about youth) Please fill it out completely. Please include at least 2 telephone numbers.
  • Complete Section 2.
  • Complete Section 3. (A) Mark all benefits the youth applicant is receiving.
    • After checking which benefits are received, proceed to Section 4. If the youth applicant is receiving no benefits, the chart near the top of page 2 (Section 3 (B)) must be completed.
    • Follow the directions exactly as printed.
  • Complete Section 4. Review Sections 1-3 to be sure they are complete and accurate. A parent or guardian must sign and date this part if the youth is under 18.

Required Documents

  • Social Security Card
  • Proof of Citizenship (Birth Certificate or Passport)
  • Photo ID (Driver’s License, School ID Card, Non-Driver’s License ID Card, Passport)
  • Selective Service Registration (for males 18 and older
    Copies, photo-scans, texts, or faxes of all documentation are acceptable if all items are clearly readable.

Please mail or drop off completed applications to:

Pro Action of Steuben and Yates, Inc. 117 E. Steuben St. Bath, NY 14810
You may also drop completed applications to your guidance office.


Lindsay Krebs, Youth Employment Coordinator
607-776-2125 Ext. 4111