HHS Junior Knits 75 Hats for Premature Infants

Alaina Raish is a knitter with a passion for giving back. When she heard Paula Fox, the librarian at Hornell High School tell a story about a friend’s premature grandson, she was inspired to do something. 

The Hornell High School junior set her knitting needles into motion and recently donated 75 knitted hats to “Conors Caps”, a non-profit organization that provides knit caps to premature infants. 

 “I feel very humbled because I was able to provide children and families with a small bit of comfort in what can be a very stressful time,” said Raish.

She originally set out to make 50, but once she placed them in the donation box, the Hornell High School junior realized there was room for more, so she decided to make another 25.

Raish started knitting around the age of eight, and found her passion for the craft growing over time. “It took me about a year and a half to make all the hats,” she said, explaining how casual pastime became a dedicated project.

Initially drawn to knitting for its therapeutic qualities and affordability, Raish sought a way to share her creations with others and was deeply moved by the story Mrs. Fox told her. 

Being able to donate 75 hats has brought Raish a sense of accomplishment and the satisfaction of knowing she has provided comfort to families during a difficult time.

Raish encourages others to get involved, highlighting the personal rewards that come alongside helping others. “Not only are they providing children in need with cute little hats,” she said, “it also brings a feeling of accomplishment and self-worth as you realize you are able to help so many with a skill that can be learned quickly and is inexpensive.”

Looking ahead, Raish plans to pursue a degree in Biomedical Engineering at either Rochester Institute of Technology or Gannon University.

Her act of kindness has not only brought warmth to premature babies, but also serves as an inspiration to others. Raish’s talent for creating shows how one person can have a positive impact on many lives.