Meeting Minutes July 7, 2021

District Clerk Carol Eaton Davis opened the reorganizational meeting for the 2021-22 school year at 5:15 PM and led the Board/Public in the Pledge of Allegiance.


PRESENT via ZOOM: Kerry Davis, Jessica Hess, James Marino, Uzma Mehr, Christopher Clark, Joseph LIberto

ABSENT: Meghann Khork


District Clerk Eaton administered the “Oath of Office” to new (re-elected) Board of Education Members James Marino and Uzma Mehr.

The Board acted on the following items for the 2021-22 school year:


District Clerk Eaton requested nominations for President of the Board of Education for the 2021-22 school year.

Motion made by HESS, seconded by MEHR that Kerry Davis be nominated as President of the Board Education. Davis accepted the nomination. There being no further nominations for President, the nominations were closed.

RESOLVED: that, Kerry Davis be appointed as President of the Board of Education.


District Clerk Eaton administered the “Oath of Office” to President Kerry Davis and turned the meeting over to the President. President Davis requested nominations for Vice-President of the Board of Education for the 2021-22 school year.

Motion made by MEHR, seconded by MARINO that Jessica Hess be nominated as Vice-President of the Board of Education. Hess accepted the nomination. There being no further nominations for Vice- President, the nominations were closed.

RESOLVED: that, Jessica Hess be appointed as Vice-President of the Board of Education.


Board President Davis administered the “Oath of Office” to Vice-President Jessica Hess.

RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, Carol Eaton be appointed Clerk of the Board.


Board President Davis administered the “Oath of Office” to District Clerk Eaton.

RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, Susan Brown be appointed Treasurer of the Board.


Board President Davis administered the “Oath of Office” to District Treasurer Brown.

RESOLVED: BY: HESS /MEHR that, Carol Eaton be appointed as Deputy Treasurer of the Board.


Board President Davis administered the “Oath of Office” to Deputy District Treasurer Eaton.

RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, Mary Wolf be appointed as Claims Auditor, with an annual stipend of $3,500.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MERH that, Renay Shull be appointed as the Deputy Claims Auditor, at a rate of $16 per hour on an as needed basis.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, the City Chamberlain be appointed as the Tax Collector.



RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, agenda items IV.A. 3. a. through IV A. 6. l. be grouped together for one action.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, the Board takes the following action:

  • approves the appointment of Hodgson Russ LLP as the school attorney at the rates established, furthermore they approve John Dagon, Esq. to provide legal services on an as needed basis.
  • approves Timothy R. McGill, Esq. as bond counsel.
  • approves the resolution to cross-contract with Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES in accordance with Section 170.12 of the Commissioner’s Regulations.
  • establishes an Audit Committee, consisting of Kerry Davis, Jessica Hess, Uzma Mehr, Meghann Khork, Christopher Clark and Joseph Liberto.
  • approves Stony Brook Pediatrics as the school physician for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 at a fee of $10,000 .
  • approves the following appointments ( “C” denotes compensated )
    • Attendance Officer – Patrick Flaitz
  • Architect – Hunt Engineers, Architects and Land Surveyors & LaBella Associates- C
  • Broker of Record – Lawley Insurance – C
  • Chemical Safety Officer – Shannon Davis
  • Chief Information Officer – Colby Moore – C
  • Chief Faculty Counselor – Scott Carroll
  • Construction Manager – Welliver McGuire, Inc. – C
  • District Copyright Officer – Patrick Flaitz
  • Emergency Disaster Coordinator – Patrick Flaitz
  • Financial Advisor – Bernard Donegan – C
  • Head Building Maintenance Mechanics – Shannon Davis and Mitchell Weaver- C
  • Health & Safety Committee – Safety Committee, others to be determined
  • Homeless Liaison – Jennifer Sorochin
  • LEA Designee (Asbestos) — Shannon Davis
  • Official District representative to the GST BOCES Worker’s Compensation consortium – Patrick Flaitz. In his absence, Jeremy Palotti will serve as the official District representative for any plan business requiring a vote.
  • Official District representative to the Steuben Area Schools Health Insurance Plan – Jeremy Palotti. In his absence, Patrick Flaitz will serve as the official District representative for any plan business requiring a vote.
  • Records Access Officer  Carol Eaton
  • Records Retention Officer – Patrick Flaitz
  • Records Management Advisory Committee –Patrick Flaitz, Carol Eaton, Amy Feeley, and others to be determined
  • Representative for Public Law 874 – Patrick Flaitz
  • Representative for Title IX – Juliana Smith
  • Representative for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act – Amy Feeley
  • Safety Committee – Patrick Flaitz, Shannon Davis, BOE, Building Administrators, Parent & Union representatives to be determined
  • Student Activity Accounts Central Treasurer – Diane Bakerink
  • Student Activity Accounts Assistant Treasurer – Jennifer Bixby
  • DASA Coordinator – Nancy Shedlock
  • Administrative Staff as Lead Evaluators / APPR Plan:
      • Morgan Allison
      • John Cardamone
      • Scott Carroll
      • Amy Feeley
      • Sean Gaffney
      • Ted Illi
      • Eli Marcus
      • Jeremy Palotti
      • Lisa Sanford
      • Erica Siebert
      • Juliana Smith
      • Jennifer Sorochin


  • approves Community Bank, Five Star Bank, Chase and Chemung Canal as the official bank depositories.
  • approves the following dates for Board of Education meetings for the 2021-22 school year. (all meetings will begin at 5:15 PM and will be held in the High School Library,134 Seneca Street, unless otherwise noted)
    • Wed., July 7, 2021
    • Wed., August 4, 2021
    • Wed., September 8, 2021
    • Wed., October 6, 2021
    • Wed., November 3, 2021
    • Wed., December 1, 2021
    • Wed., January 5, 2022
    • Wed., February 2, 2022
    • Wed., March 2, 2022
    • Wed., March 9, 2022 (Budget Workshop if needed) Wed., April 6, 2022
    • Wed., April 20, 2022 (Meeting (GST Budget) / Budget Workshop)
    • Tues., May 3, 2022 (public hearing on budget at 6:00 PM / regular meeting immediately following)
    • Tues., May 17, 2022 (HS Cafeteria @ 9:30 PM – Budget Vote/Election) Wed.,
    • June 15, 2022
  • approves The Evening Tribune as the official newspaper.
  • approves the following school holidays (unless otherwise negotiated):
    • July 5, 2021 (4th of July)
    • September 6, 2021 (Labor Day)
    • October 11, 2021 (Columbus Day)
    • November 11, 2021 (Veteran’s Day)
    • November 25 & 26, 2021 (Thanksgiving & day after)
    • December 24, 2020 (Christmas – due to falling on weekend)
    • December 31, 2021 (New Year’s Day – due to falling on weekend)
    • January 17, 2022 (Martin Luther King Day)
    • February 21, 2022 (Presidents’ Day)
    • April 15, 2022 (Good Friday)
    • May 30, 2022 (Memorial Day)
    • June 20, 2022 (Juneteeth)


  • authorizes the School Business Official to certify payrolls.
  • authorizes the School Business Official to act as purchasing agent and the Superintendent will act as Deputy Purchasing Agent.
  • authorizes the Purchasing Agent to open all bids.
  • authorizes the Superintendent or designee to approve all in state conference attendance and expenses. Board is to be notified in advance of attendance at any conference, convention and workshop this is out of state and that is of more than three days in duration.
  • approves appointments of certified staff and classified staff until Board Action is taken at the next meeting.
  • authorizes the Superintendent or designee to apply for grants.
  • authorizes the Superintendent, Board President, Purchasing Agent and/or Clerk to sign legal documents which have been previously approved by the Board of Education.
  • establishes Petty Cash Funds in the amounts and with custodians so designated:

District Office


Susan Brown

High School Office


Scott Carroll

Curriculum Office


Theodore Illi

Assistant Principal


Eli Marcus

Athletic Dept:

Admission Cash Box 1


John Cardamone

Admission Cash Box 2


Jennifer Bixby

Admission Cash Box 3


Victoria Plank

Intermediate School


Julie Smith

N. Hornell School


Sean Gaffney

Food Service


Tracie McCarthy

Food Service


Wildwood – Zach Canne

Food Service


Bryant – Zach Canne

Food Service


Intermediate – Tiffany Donovan

Food Service


N. Hornell – Zach Canne

Home Economics


Lynn (Wendy) Pollinger

Maintenance Dept.


Shannon Davis

Pupil Personnel


Amy Feeley

  • approves the signature (including facsimile) of Susan Brown (Treasurer) on checks
  • authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to approve budget transfers in accordance with Board of Education policy #5330 for the 2021-22 school year.
  • authorizes the Superintendent to amend or approve cooperative service changes provided for in the 2021-22 GST BOCES contract.
  • approves the list of credit cards and cell phones for district use.
  • authorizes the Superintendent to execute contracts on their behalf.


  • approves bonding of school district personnel as follows: Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer $1,075,000 Tax Collector 500,000
    Central Treasurer 150,000
    All other personnel 100,000
  • sets the mileage reimbursement rate for the 2021-22 school year be the same as the IRS mileage rate, unless otherwise negotiated.
  • sets the custodial rate charged to organizations using our facilities be established at $34.00 per hour for the 2021-22 school year (with a minimum charge of $68.
  • approves the rate schedule for miscellaneous duties for the 2021-22 school year.
  • approves the District’s membership in the following organizations: Greater Southern Tier School Boards Association New York State Association of Small City School Districts New York State School Boards Association
  • hereby approves legal indemnification of Board Members, Officers, the District Superintendent and School Administrators against all uninsured financial or property loss arising out of any proceeding, claim, demand, suit, tort, arbitration or judgment by reason of alleged negligence or other conduct resulting in bodily or other injury to any person or damage to the property of any person committed while Board Member, Officer, District Superintendent, School Administrator is acting within the scope of his/her employment or at the discretion of the Board of Education for fiscal year 2021-22; and further, to hold her/him harmless there from.
  • approve the following members of the Committee on Special Education for the 2021- 22 school year:
  • Chairperson Amy Feeley, Amber Kossow, Jennifer Sorochin, John Cardamone Alternate Chairperson(s) Special Education Teacher, Reading Specialist or School Psychologist present at the meeting

    Psychologist(s) Nancy Shedlock & Katherine Henderson Clark Alternating Parent(s) Pamela Aini, Jennifer Kellogg, Abigail McKee Physician Stony Brook Pediatrics, School Physician Classroom Teachers, Guidance Counselors and Related Services Staff

    Further resolved, that the CSE/CPSE Chair make the decision when there is no consensus at a CSE/CPSE meeting.

  • approves the following members of the Committee on Preschool Special Education for the 2021-22 school year:
  • Chairperson Amy Feeley, Amber Kossow, Jennifer Sorochin, John Cardamone Alternate Chairperson(s) Special Education Teacher, Reading Specialist or School Psychologist present at the meeting

    Psychologist(s) Nancy Shedlock & Katherine Henderson Clark Alternating Parent(s) Pamela Aini, Jennifer Kellogg, Abigail McKee Physician Stony Brook Pediatrics, School Physician Classroom Teacher and Related Services Staff

    Further resolved, that the CSE/CPSE Chair make the decision when there is no consensus at a CSE/CPSE meeting.

  • approves subcommittees for the CSE and CPSE consisting of the following:
    • Parent of student
    • General education teacher of student whenever student is or may be participating in the general education environment
    • Student’s special education teacher
    • Representative of the School District who is qualified to provide special education and is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum and the resources of the School District (can be the special education teacher)
    • School psychologist whenever a new psychological evaluation is reviewed or a change to a program option with a more intensive student/teacher ratio is considered
    • An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results (can be one of the people listed above)
    • Other people having knowledge or special expertise regarding the student
    • Parent representative for all CPSE meetings and when requested by a parent for a CPSE meeting
  • approves Mrs. Kathy Labarron-Roberts, 12 Maplewood Avenue, to serve as the surrogate parent for the Committee on Special Education/Committee on Preschool Special Education for the 2021-22 school year.
  • approves the list of impartial hearing officers designated for Steuben County for the 2021-22 school year, as provided by the State Education Department.

WHEREAS, the Board of Education seeks to authorize certain individuals to appoint an Impartial Hearing Officer if the Board does not have a regular meeting scheduled on a day when an appointment needs to be made. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Board President or Vice- President to appoint an Impartial Hearing Officer when the Board does not have a regular meeting scheduled on a day when an appointment of an impartial hearing officer needs to be made.

  • readopts all policies in the official policy book kept by the District Clerk, including the code of ethics and code of conduct.



RESOLVED:  BY: HESS/MEHRthat the agenda be approved as presented:






Assistant HS Principal, Morgan Allison and Student Government President, Nicholas Oyer presented the Board with an information pertaining to the request of the student body to have an “open campus” for the senior class.

The Board thanked them for their presentation Superintendent Palotti added that he was very impressed with the interactions he and the High School Administration has had with Nick and the other members of the Student Government.- “Hats off to you!”. The next step will be to add this information to the Parent/Student Handbook that will be presented to the Board for their approval at the next meeting.. .


Construction Report: Andy Billiotte (Welliver) provided the Board with a construction update.

Superintendent Palotti (“Celebrating Success”) reported:

  • It was a very stressful year, administrators were excused from attending the meeting…hopefully everyone will have a little time to unwind, relax and unplug
  • We are celebrating the fact that we made it through the 2020-21 school year!
  • We are looking forward to brighter times ahead!
  • We have a busy summer planned with professional development, prep work for the upcoming year,
  • We are looking forward to a positive new year,
  • Guidelines were modified today at 12:30 PM – they were loosened some for Summer School, hopefully this is a foreshadowing for the Fall – we are encouraged and will be watching.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti to approves/accepts the following Consent Agenda items:

  • Approves of the minutes for the meetings of June 16. 2021.
  • Acceptance of the Student Activities Report of April 30 and May 31, 2021

Has no objections to the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education and approves the authorization of funds to implement the special education programs and services consistent with such recommendations for the CSE meetings of June 16 and 23, 2021, the CPSE meetings of June 16 and 22, 2021 and the 504 meetings of June 16 and 23, 2021.






The Board held the “first reading” of proposed revisions to the Non-Resident Student Policy # 7132, there was no action taken at this time.

RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the Family Medical Leave Act Policy #6551 as presented for reading at the meetings of May 4, 2021 and June 16, 2021.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board authorizes Patrick Flaitz to dispose of the following:

  • Misc Technology Equipment Disposal List – June 21, 2021
  • Band Instrument Disposal List – June 23, 2021
  • School Bus Disposal List – June 21, 2021
  • Piano Disposal List – June 14, 2021



RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board here-in awards the North Hornell Smartbond and 21-22 Outlay Bid Project contracts to the lowest responsible bidders, as follows:

  • General Trades Work – Iverson Construction – $1,870,000
  • Plumbing – Landry Mechanical – $ 45,400
  • HVAC – HMI Mechanical – $ 196,600
  • Electrical – Billitier Electric – $ 129.825


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the Workers Compensation Agreement with GST Area Schools effective July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2026.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board accepts the generous donation of Carol Topping in memory of James Harrick in the amount of $60 to be used in the instrumental program.


The Board thanked Ms. Topping for her generous donation.

RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the renewal of the agreement with Maple City Physical Therapy to provide Physical Therapy Services during the 2021-22 school year per the RFP.


This service was not utilized last year due to COVID, we are glad to have it back this year for Fall Sports.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board accepts the resignation of Alexander Poklinkowski as a substitute effective at the end of the day on June 25, 2021.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board accepts the resignation of Kathleen Swift as Senior Typist effective at the end of the day on June 30, 2021.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the appointment of the following food service employees to work during the 2021 22 Summer Feeding Program:

  • Christine Feenaughty
  • Deborah Bacon
  • Shelby Eymer
  • Shelley DuBois
  • Salli Mehlenbacher
  • Kelly Turnbull
  • Delores Simpson
  • Tammy Lathrop
  • Terah Wilson
  • Mindy Graham (sub)
  • Rebekah Fletcher (sub)


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the appointment of Laura Sexton as Summer LPN, 4 hours per day, effective July 6, 2021 – August 15, 2021 at the rate specified in the HPA Contract.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the appointment of all HEA members as substitutes for the Summer Learning Academy.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the request of Eileen Marino for a one year leave of absence from her position as Third Grade Department Chair.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the appointment of Leigh Emerson as Third Grade Department Chair for the 2021-22 school year


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board accepts the resignation of Scott Kozak as Science Teacher effective at the end of the day on June 25, 2021.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the four year probationary appointment of Dawn Walsh as Science Teacher, effective September 1, 2021 at a starting salary as defined in the HEA Contract. Dawn is also hereby approved to work with her team on an hourly time sheet basis over the summer when requested by her building principal. Eligibility for tenure at the end of the probationary period is dependent on the employee receiving APPR ratings of H or E in 3 of the 4 preceding years (and no I rating in the final year). (AAS / AS in Conservation and Liberal Arts from FLCC, BS in Wildlife Biology from SUNY College of Environmental Science and ME in Education from the University of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Certifications: General Science 5-9 and Biology 10-12, NYS Initial Certifications in Biology 5-9 and 7-12)


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the three year probationary appointment of Nicole Miller as Elementary Teacher, effective September 1, 2021 at a starting salary as defined in the HEA Contract. Nichole is also hereby approved to work with her team on an hourly time sheet basis over the summer when requested by her building principal. Eligibility for tenure at the end of the probationary period is dependent on the employee receiving APPR ratings of H or E in 3 of the 4 preceding years (and no I rating in the final year). (BS in Recreation Management from SUNY Cortland, Early Childhood Teaching Certificate from Alfred University, Master’s in Reading and Literacy B-12 from SUNY Geneseo, NYS Professional Certifications in Literacy B-12, Early Childhood Education B-2, and Childhood Education 1-6).


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the three year probationary appointment of Lindsey Marcus as Graduation Coach in the tenure area of School Counselor, effective September 1, 2021 at a starting salary as defined in the HEA Contract. Lindsey is also hereby approved to work with her team on an hourly time sheet basis over the summer when requested by her building principal. Eligibility for tenure at the end of the probationary period is dependent on the employee receiving APPR ratings of H or E in 3 of the 4 preceding years (and no I rating in the final year). (BA in Psychology from Nazareth College, MS in Education Counseling / CAS in School Counseling from Alfred University and presently attending SUNY Brockport for Educational Leadership Certification SBL/SDL. NYS Permanent Certification in School Counseling) CARRIED – 6 AYES – ALL

RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the three year probationary appointment of Jessica Wilkinson as Special Education Teacher, effective September 1, 2021 at a starting salary as defined in the HEA Contract. Jessica is also hereby approved to work with her team on an hourly time sheet basis over the summer when requested by her building principal. Eligibility for tenure at the end of the probationary period is dependent on the employee receiving APPR ratings of H or E in 3 of the 4 preceding years (and no I rating in the final year). (BS in Adolescent Mathematics Inclusive Education from SUNY Brockport, MS in Literacy Education, Grades 5-12 from Canisius College, NYS Professional Certifications in SWD Grades 7-12 Mathematics, Mathematics 5-6 Extension, Mathematics 7-12)


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, the Board of Education approves the amendment of the contract of Superintendent Palotti. Furthermore, the Board hereby authorize the Board President to execute the Superintendent’s Contract Amendment on behalf of the Board.


RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approves the following changes to the substitute roster and other assignments, pending successful fingerprint clearance through the New York State Education Department and approval through DMV and or Civil Service if applicable:

Substitute Additions:

  • Shelly Clancy – Nurse RN (Effective 6/30/21)
  • Angela Conway – Certified Teacher (Effective 6/30/21)
  • AnnaMarie Flaitz – Uncertified Teacher (Effective 6/1/21)
  • Karen Kuhn – Certified Teacher (Effective 6/30/21)
  • Barbara Kramer – Administrator, Certified Teacher (Effective 6/30/21)
  • Kathleen Swift – Clerical (Effective 6/30/21)
  • Natalie Marino – SLA Substitute



The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 5:15 PM in the High School Library located at 134 Seneca Street. (NOTE: The meeting was subsequently changed to Monday, August 16, 2021)

RESOLVED: BY: HESS/MEHR that at 5:45 PM the meeting be adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,
Carol Eaton, District Clerk