June 7, 2021

Updated Information from NYS Governor re: face coverings

This morning we learned from the NYS Governor that there is an update as it relates to the use and wearing of face coverings inside and outside of our schools. 

As you may recall, last Friday the school received a copy of a letter written by Dr. Zucker from the NYSDOH to the CDC suggesting a possible change in guidance on the wearing of face coverings in schools and camps.   

As of today per the NYS governor, the CDC does not support the request that was made to change NYS school guidance entirely as proposed.  Schools will remain required to maintain universal wearing of face coverings in school as the current plan states.  However, schools may allow students and adults to remove face coverings while outside and on school grounds.  The Hornell City School District will support this and now not require students and adults to wear face coverings when outside and on our grounds.   

We will remain ready for further changes and updated guidance.  When we receive new guidance, we will adjust our local plan accordingly and communicate any changes. 

Parents with questions are asked to contact the district office at 324-1302.